Delegation Trip to Finland: Expansion of Cooperation with University in Tampere

In the beginning of May, a delegation from Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) came to visit FHWS in order to get to know our university and thereby sign a Memorandum of Strategic Co-Operation. Now, the return visit was on the agenda: From 10 until 12 August, President Prof. Grebner, Vice President Prof. Förster and two representatives of the International Office travelled to Finland to TAMK in order to talk about the next steps of the collaboration.
TAMK became a strategic partner of FHWS only this year. Both universities are keen on establishing a close, strategic cooperation. While Erasmus+ agreements for the exchange of students, professors, and staff are currently being prepared, also joint study programmes shall be developed in the future. The aim of the visit in Tampere was to get to know the partner university with its innovative concepts and laboratories, as well as to discuss the next steps of the cooperation. FHWS and TAMK will stay in close contact, while it is now important to connect representatives of the faculties of both universities who are interested in collaborating.