Smiling traveling student at the airport

KomPass International

About KomPass International

KomPass International is created from German Kompetenzen (skills/competences) and Pass thus alluding to the compass, a helpful tool to find one’s bearings.

KomPass International is an THWS-wide project coordinated by the International Office. The pass confirms skills and competences thus helping THWS students to prepare and qualify for an international work environment in a German company.

How can I obtain the KomPass International?

In order to obtain the KomPass International, you have to attend 10 courses from six different areas. Attendance is confirmed by a stamp into the corresponding booklet. You can choose the courses you want to attend freely.

However, you also can complete either Part A: Intercultural Competence + Language Proficiency or Part B: Studies + Work. In this case, you have to obtain all 6 stamps of the respective part.

  • Full Pass: KomPass International: 10 stamps
  • Part A: Intercultural Competence + Language Proficiency: 6 stamps
  • Part B: Studies & Work: 6 stamps

10 stamps from 6 areas = KomPass International

Intercultural Competence + Language Proficiency

In Part A: Intercultural competence + Language Proficiency you will acquire the competences you need for an international work environment. Moreover, German students will be encouraged to improve their English language proficiency or learn another foreign language. International students will improve their German language proficiency.


  1. Intercultural competence
  2. Full-time students in German-taught degree programmes: English language skills at least at level B2; other language skills at any levels will be accepted.
  3. Full-time students in English-taught degree programmes: German language skills at least at level B2.
  4. Exchange students: Language skills at levels lower than B2 will be accepted.

Please note: Only language courses attended at THWS will be recognised.

6 stamps from the following areas:

  • Intercultural competence - theoretical - 2 stamps
  • Intercultural competence - practical - 2 stamps
  • Language course in English, German or another foreign language - 1 stamp
  • Language proficiency applied: Participation in language tandem, language cafés or tables - 1 stamp

Studies & Work

Part B: Studies and Work complements Part A: Intercultural Competence + Language Proficiency. In this part, you will learn to write an application, do job interviews or use application portals, but also which strategies you can apply during the hunt for internships or jobs. By participating in events like company visits or job fairs, you have the opportunity to get into contact with companies in order to make the transition into your professional life smoother.

  • Increasing your academic success.
  • Successful search for internships or jobs.
  • Mastering the transition into professional life.

6 stamps from the following areas:

  • Application competence - theoretical - 2 stamps
  • Application competence - practical - 2 stamps
  • Studying successfully - 2 stamps

Where can I get the stamp booklet for KomPass International?

Please ask at your Dean’s Office for the booklet. The central point of contact is the THWS International Office.

  • Würzburg: Tiepolostraße 6, Room T.0.04 and T.0.07.
  • Schweinfurt:  i-Point building 21: Johann-Modler-Weg 2, Room 21.1.11.

How do I get the stamps?

You will get the stamp for a course you attended at the lecturer right after the course. If you forgot to get the stamp, you can always come to the International Office as long as there is some proof that you really attended the respective course. We will agree the required proof individually, e.g. the attendance list. No stamps are necessary for courses that are part of your curriculum, e.g. general electives (AWPF). In this case, presenting your transcript of records is enough.

Course overview

The course calendar offers an overview of all courses.

Please use the course calendar as a starting point when deciding on a course. Having chosen a certain course, please register at the lecturer by clicking on the link given next to the course. Also, topic related general electives (AWPF), which are mandatory modules at the faculty FANG, are acknowledged. Please note that offered courses may change slightly each semester!


1. Intercultural competence - theoretical

The module Intercultural competence - theoretical wants to prepare the students for an international professional field as well as sensitize them for working colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. For this, there are different events offered such as international evenings.


Intercultural competence - theoretical Contents Language Registration
Intercultural training - business etiquette Working in a German company: dress code, conduct, cultural differences. This training is also available as film in our Virtual Classroom. English
Cultural evenings Intercultural training for various regions: China, Turkey, India, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Arab culture, Japan etc. English
Intercultural training In this training, you will learn about target cultures and acquire skills to deal with cultural differences. English
Intercultural Competence (FANG - general elective)

2. Intercultural competence - practical

During the module Intercultural competence - practice you can apply knowledge you acquired to practice. Moreover, you can broaden your knowledge by working, organising projects or doing recreational activities together with students from different cultures.

Intercultural competence - practical Contents Language Registration
International Evening This is a joint event by Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg and THWS. Students can present their home countries and universities as well as get information on partner institutions. An intercultural supporting programme will facilitate exchange and conversations. English
i-Campus-Day Students present their home countries and offer food from their countries for the participants. This events wants to facilitate exchange and conversations among participants. Englisch
International Student Club (recreational activities) Students are organising recreational activities for students Englich
Stays abroad Students spend a semester at a partner institution of higher education or in a summer school abroad. English
Buddy programme Students support newly arrived international students in getting settled in Germany and finding their bearings at THWS. English

3. German or English language proficiency

German language proficiency

During the module German language proficiency, students will acquire the language skills they need in order to be successful not only in their studies, but also in their search for internships and jobs. At THWS, the Campus for Language Proficiency offers various language courses for beginners as well as advanced learners. Moreover, there is the so called Ländercafé (café of countries) where students can hone their language skills.

Course/Event Contents Registration
Campus for Language Proficiency
(German courses)
Students will acquire the level B2.
Language café (Schweinfurt) Students learn English, Spanish, German or another foreign language together in a relaxed atmosphere.
(language table meeting)
Students learn English, Spanish or German together in a relaxed atmosphere.
Language tandem
Students learn German, English or another foreign language together.
Language tandem (Würzburg) Students learn German, English or another foreign language together.
Speexx Campus Business English self-study courses for all language levels (with placement test)

English language proficiency

During the module English language proficiency students will acquire the language skills they need in order to be successful not only in their studies, but also in their search for internships and jobs.

Course/Event Contents Registration
Campus for Language Proficiency
(English courses)
Students will acquire the level B2.
(language table meeting)
Students learn English, Spanish or German together in a relaxed atmosphere.
Language tandem
Students learn English and/or German together.
Language tandem
Students learn English and/or German together.
Speexx Campus Business English self-study courses for all language levels (with placement test)
Language-learning counselling Counselling to identify ways to improve your language level.
Writing advice Advisory service for academic writing (esp. final theses)

4. Application competence theory

The module Application competence theory wants to teach important insights regarding applications and the transition to professional life.

Application competence theory Contents Language Registration
Application training During this training, students will learn how to apply at a German company, how to write a CV as well as a cover letter. Englich
Application check Here, students can get their application documents checked by the THWS Career Service. Appointments can be made in German or English. German
Application training + proofreading During this training, students will learn how to apply at a German company, how to write a CV as well as a cover letter. In addition, students are supported in writing/compiling their application documents. English
CV check Students can get their CV checked. German
Job interview In this training, students will learn and train how a job interview is done. English
Mock interview Here, students can do mock job interviews together with the THWS Career Service to prepare themselves perfectly for a possible real job interview. German
Application photos Students have the opportunity to get a professionally shot passport photo to use in their applications. German
THWS Career Service events The THWS Career Service offers about 20 events per semester from the fields of job search, salary negotiations, application skills and competences, rhetoric, assessment centre and many more. The programme changes every semester, but students can always acquire important application competencies. German
Local labour market Students will get an overview about the region and possible employers. Englisch
Bewerbungstraining (Fakultät FANG - AWPF - Würzburg) AWPF courses (mandatory modules at FANG) are acknowledged.
Application training
(FANG - general elective; Würzburg)
AWPF courses (mandatory modules at FANG) are acknowledged.
Work and Study
(FANG - general elective; Würzburg)
AWPF courses (mandatory modules at FANG) are acknowledged.
Work and Study
(FANG - general elective; Schweinfurt)
AWPF courses (mandatory modules at FANG) are acknowledged.

5. Application competence practice

In this module, students gain valuable insight into professional life and/or have the opportunity to make first contacts with companies at job fairs such as the Akademika.

Application competence practice Contents Language Registration
Company visits Students receive insights into the world of work and the range of products of local companies. While meeting representatives of HR departments, they will get tips regarding applications or hear about open posts for internships and jobs. English
Job fair Akademika During this job fair, student have the opportunity to connect directly with possible employers as well as get information about open posts. English
Praxisforum or Study&Stay During this job fair, student have the opportunity to connect directly with possible regional employers as well as get information about open posts. English
AWPF Service Learning: Connect-Involve-Reflect During service learning projects students connect with local political, social or ecological initiatives working in the areas of interculturality and migration, environment or sports. By working in social projects, they get involved in various German non-profit organisations, learn new working areas and improve their soft skills. English/ German

6. Studying successfully

In this module, students will get support through tutorials if they have difficulties in a certain subject. In addition, the course series on teaching and learning culture offers the opportunity to get more information about the differences in the educational culture in Germany.

Studying successfully Contents Language Registration
Tutorials Exam preparation especially for students preparing a second, third or postponed exam attempt or if the respective faculty cannot offer a corresponding support. German
Teaching and learning culture International full-time students receive information and tips on how to study successfully at a German higher education institution. German
GAT-Tutorials Students receive information about living and studying at THWS. German
Microsoft Office Introduction to Microsoft Office: Word - Excel - PowerPoint German
Project management Introduction to the basics of project management; opportunity to create, develop, present your own projects English
FAS courses in English All English courses of the faculty Social Studies (FAS) English


Registration takes place at the lecturer of the respective course. Please open the Excel file to get the course overview. To the right of each course, you will find the course link.

Registration and course overview