Smiling traveling student at the airport

Internship abroad

Whether Amsterdam, Madrid, Paris or Zagreb ...

... an internship abroad always pays off in more than one ways. For example, the improvement of career prospects, the opportunity for intercultural exchange, the deepening of language skills or personal development. In today's world, the experience of having worked abroad is more important than ever.

The Tecnical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt requires its Bachelor students to complete a compulsory internship of at least 20 weeks, which can also be completed abroad. There are also various financial aids for voluntary internships and theses that you complete in cooperation with a company or at a higher education institution abroad.

After completing your Bachelor's or Master's degree, it is still possible to have internships abroad funded by Erasmus+ for 12 months (Graduate Internships in EU countries). Information can be found at Internships in EU countries – Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies SMP.

You can find an initial overview of the opportunities and possibilities of an internship abroad in the brochure "Wege ins Ausland" (a German brochure by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD) and the brochure "Dein Weg ins Auslandspraktikum" (a German brochure by the Federal Employment Agency).

Please note that you have to organise your internship yourself, the THWS International Office (HSIN) does not arrange internships.

The internship coordinator of your faculty, who has to approve your internship abroad, is available to advise you.

If you do not yet have an idea where exactly you would like to spend your internship, various internship databases will help you.

The general rule is: The stay abroad must be planned thoroughly and well in advance. The question of funding is a very important aspect. There are numerous support and funding possibilities. In the following, we will introduce the most important ones:

An internship abroad within Europe can be funded by the ‘Erasmus+ mobility for higher education students to programme countries (KA131)’.

For an internship outside the European Union, you can apply for funding through

  • Erasmus+ Student Mobility in partner countries (KA171);
  • Funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts.

Information about these programmes is available in the sections Internships in EU countries and Internships in NON-EU countries. Details on further financing possibilities are available on the Financing Options page.

Note: The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU will result in considerable additional work for study and internship stays from 2021 onwards. Please carefully consider your internship planning accordingly and follow our advice on internships in the UK (document in German).

Internship databases

Study & Work International Internships board   


DAAD Internship placements  (available in German only)