Old bridge - Alte Mainbrücke - in Würzburg

Admission requirements

Different admission requirements apply for the degree programmes taught in German and English – particularly with regard to the language requirements. Please see below for the admission requirements dependent on the programme’s language of instruction.

1) University entrance qualification

To be able to study in Germany, you must have a university entrance qualification. For applicants with a German school-leaving qualification, these are the general university entrance qualification (Abitur), subject-specific university entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife), advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife), or general/subject-specific qualification for working professionals. Please see the information sheet on university admission for working professionals (only available in German) for details. 

For international students, the conditions vary widely from country to country. The most important stipulation for recognition in Germany is that the level of education after completing the school-leaving qualification must be approximately comparable to the German Abitur school-leaving qualification. Please note that it might be necessary to complete further studies in your home country after obtaining your school-leaving qualification to be eligible to study in Germany.

On the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) you can check the admission requirements depending on your country of origin. Information is also available in the database of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK) available at www.anabin.kmk.org. Please note, however, that this database is currently only available in German. 

For a reliable check as to whether you have a direct universiyt entrance qualification or need to provide proof of an additional year of education, your university entrance qualification must be checked in the first step of the application process at our university.

For an initial personal evaluation, you can convert your foreign grade into the German grading system using the Bavarian formular:

x= 1+3  N max - Nd

              N max - N min


x= grade sought in the German grading system


Nmax = maximum grade in the foreign grading system


Nmin = minimum grade of passing in the foreign grading system


2) Language requirements

The proof of the required language level of the language of instruction must be submitted by the time of enrolment at the latest (end of September for the winter semester or beginning of March for the summer semester). This deadline may vary for degree programmes with restricted admission. You will find the relevant deadline details in your application account. Please refer to the Enrolment Regulations of THWS for more information.

German language proficiency

If you intend to study in German, proof of German language proficiency at least at level B2 must be proven. Some degree programmes require a German C1 level or special language requirements may apply. For more information, please refer to the overview of language entrance requirements by programme. These requirements do not apply for native speakers or for applicants who have obtained a German language school-leaving or study qualification. In these cases, a document from the school or higher education institution certifying that the degree was obtained in German is sufficient.

Please see the list of language proficiency THWS  accepts.

Please note: Applicants who still need to proof their German language level and search for intensive German courses to proof their language level before the deadlines can register for German language courses at THWS (UNIcert A2).

3) Additional requirements

Different admission requirements apply depending on the degree programme. Please see the leaflet on your chosen degree programme for details of whether further requirements must be met in addition to the admission requirements detailed here.

1) University entrance qualification

To be able to study in Germany, you must have a university entrance qualification. For applicants with a German school-leaving qualification, these are the general university entrance qualification (Abitur), subject-specific university entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife), advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife), or general/subject-specific qualification for working professionals. Please see the information sheet on university admission for working professionals (only available in German) for details.

For international students, the conditions vary widely from country to country. The most important stipulation for recognition in Germany is that the level of education after completing the school-leaving qualification must be approximately comparable to the German Abitur school-leaving qualification. Please note that it might be necessary to complete further studies in your home country after obtaining your school-leaving qualification to be eligible to study in Germany.

Under certain circumstances applicants from several countries or with specific degrees cannot be admitted directly to a German university. They first need to do a preparation course (so-called “Studienkolleg” or “foundation year”). After sucessfully graduating the applicants receive a subject-specific entrance qualification for German universities.

On the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) you can check the admission requirements depending on your country of origin. Information is also available in the database of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK) available at www.anabin.kmk.org. Please note, however, that this database is currently only available in German. 

For a reliable check as to whether you have a direct universiyt entrance qualification or need to provide proof of an additional year of education, your university entrance qualification must be checked in the first step of the application process at our university.

2) Language requirements

The proof of the required language level of the language of instruction must be submitted by the time of enrolment at the latest (end of September for the winter semester or beginning of March for the summer semester). This deadline may vary for degree programmes with restricted admission. You will find the relevant deadline details in your application account. Please refer to the Enrolment Regulations of THWS for more information.

German language proficiency

Proof of sufficient proficiency in German is also required for degree programmes taught in English, though to a lower Level until the second semester. For admission-restricted degree programmes with English as the language of instruction, this proof of German must be submitted by the time of enrolment at the latest. These requirements do not apply for native speakers or for applicants who have obtained a German language school-leaving or study qualification. In these cases, a document from the school or higher education institution certifying that the degree was obtained in German is sufficient.

Please see the list of language proficiency THWS  accepts.

Please note: Applicants who applied for the English degree programmes and need to proof the German A2 level latest before the end of their second semester can take German language courses at THWS (UNIcert A2) in order to achieve the required proficiency level of the German language at A2 level within the first two semesters of their studies at THWS. 

English language proficiency

For enrolment in an English-speaking degree programme, English language skills at least at level B2 must be proven. Some degree programmes require an English C1 level or special language requirements may apply. for some degree programmes special language requirements may apply. For more information, please refer to the overview of language entrance requirements by programme.

Please see the list of language proficiency THWS  accepts.

3) Additional requirements

Different admission requirements apply depending on the degree programme. Please see the leaflet on your chosen degree programme for details of whether further requirements must be met in addition to the admission requirements detailed here.

Please be aware of the additional admission requirements for our English Mechatronics and Robotics programme:

Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside of the EU must provide the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT latest before enrolment.

TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject-specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assmued in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applied to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS. For more information about registering and completing TestAS, please refer to the TestAS-website.

Alternatively, a minimum of 1050 points must have been scored in the scholastic assessment test SAT. For further inromation, please refer to the SAT / College Board.


Applicants for a higher semester are exempt form the proof of the aptitude test.

Graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur are exempt from the proof of the aptitude test.

Proof of successful participation at a prepatory course replaces the requirement to take a scholastic aptitude test if the applicant has successfully completed a prepatory course at one of our partner universities or a "Studienkolleg", which according to a valid cooperation agreement between the two higher education institutions prepare candidates for studies at our university.