International Teaching Week 2021

Every year as part of the International Teaching Week, professors and lecturers from partner universities worldwide are guests at FHWS. During this cross-faculty event, lecturers give presentations or conduct workshops in their respective subject area. FHWS students thus have the opportunity to gain international experience and further their education even without a stay abroad.

After the International Teaching week had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 this year the event will take place completely digital from June 7 – June 11, 2021.

Additionally, two International Staff Training Days will be conducted on June 8th and June 9th. Staff from five European partner universities will work together in two workshops to professionalize intercultural trainings and diessemination actitivies for cross-university projects.

Guest lecturers and professors are offered a varied supporting programme in addition to the courses. It focuses mainly on networking and academic exchange between the international lecturers and FHWS lecturers.

Für alle Gäste unserer International Week wird ein digitales Rahmenprogramm geboten. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf der Vernetzung und dem akademischen Austausch zwischen den internationalen Gästen und ihren Kollegen an der FHWS.

[Translate to Englisch:] Vergangene International Teaching Weeks

International Teaching Week 2019

In the International Teaching Week Archive offers impressions of previous International Teaching Weeks

[Translate to Englisch:] Gastlehrende


This year we're (virtually) welcoming lecturers from around the world at FHWS again. Here you'll find more information about our guests.

Programm 2021

Programm 2021

Gastlehrende unserer weltweiten Partnerhochschulen sind im Rahmen der International Teaching Week an der FHWS zu Gast. Die aktuellen Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

Staff Days

Staff Days

Hier finden Sie mehr Infos zu den Staff Days während der International Teaching Week.

Fakultätsübergreifende Veranstaltung, 09.06.2021