Old bridge - Alte Mainbrücke - in Würzburg

Options to go abroad

Outgoing Exchange Students

There is a wide range of options to go abroad: You can study abroad or do an internship abroad while staying in Europe or anywhere in the world. You can go to one of our more than 230 partner universities or search for your own host university as a so-called Freemover. You can get financial support for your stay or finance it completely on your own.

However, it applies to all: The stay abroad must be planned thoroughly and in good time. Also, “in good time” means at least one year before packing your bags!

The International Office website provides useful information for planning and organising your stay abroad. Find out which option to go abroad is the best one for your:

• When does the period abroad best fit in my curriculum?
• How long do I want to be abroad?
• Do I want to study abroad or take an internship instead?
• Which country suits me best?
• Which university offers me the best opportunities?
• What budget do I have for my stay abroad?
• Are my language skills in the national language or in the language of instruction good enough?

Every faculty has an international affairs officer and an internship coordinator who can advise you on both studying and taking an internship abroad.

The most important reasons for a period of time abroad during your studies are:

• Improving your foreign language skills
• Meeting new people and discovering new countries and cultures
• Getting to know your field of study from a different perspective
• Establishing international contacts
• Gathering experience abroad for later applications

To get a first impression of experiences made by outgoing THWS students, have a look at our Europe Diaries or browse the experience reports you find at the partner universities.

Find more information at the FAQ for students page which is updated regularly!

Here you can find our data protection declaration on data processing in the context of international academic mobility.

Photo Contest "My Global Snapshot"

Share your most beautiful international snapshot with the world! "My Global Snapshot" is the international photo competition open to all university members - whether you're a student, lecturer, or staff member. Along with the opportunity to share your unique perspective on the world with the entire university, there are also some great prizes to be won!

More info and the latest winners

Europe Diaries

Group of students
Group of students

Why not take a look at our Europe diaries (in German only) to learn more about the experiences of outgoing THWS students? We have compiled and shared students’ experiences during their stay abroad here.

Get first-hand information about arrival in a foreign country, initial starting difficulties with studies at a new university, and making new friends.