Smiling traveling student at the airport

Formalities and Finances

Countless questions arise before a stay abroad. We have compiled some of the most important ones below:

Can I afford to spend time abroad?

A stay abroad brings countless costs with it: tuition fees at the host university (if no cooperation agreement exists), overseas health insurance, living costs, travel costs, etc. Please see the section on financing options for more information.

Will my insurance cover the time spent abroad?

Nobody wants to think about worse-case scenarios, such as an accident or illness, before going abroad. However, the principle of “Better safe than sorry” certainly applies here. For a few tips on what you should be sure to take care of before you head abroad, please see the section on insurance.

What documents do I need to be able to study or work abroad?

It can generally be assumed that the further your chosen destination is from Germany and the European Union, the more complicated it will be to organise your time there. For a list of the documents that you will need to obtain in good time before you go abroad, please see the section on visas and health certificates.

Am I proficient in the language of my host country?

If you want your stay abroad to be a success, it is essential that you are sufficiently proficient in the language of your host country before you commence your studies or internship. For more information on the level of language proficiency required for your time abroad and how you can improve your language skills, please see the section on foreign language proficiency.