Costs and funding opportunities
There are many options to finance a stay abroad. You can find an overview here. Please note the distinction between funding opportunities through the International Office and external funding opportunities.
Funding opportunities for stays in EU countries through the International Office
Erasmus+ student mobility
The European Union’s Erasmus+ education programme integrates higher education, vocational training, adult education, school education, youth and sport. In the field of higher education in Germany, the NA DAAD performs the tasks of a National Agency for Erasmus+ on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The Erasmus+ programme offers an excellent opportunity to gain exciting and valuable experience abroad through study and internship placements within the EU. In doing so, you benefit from the programme’s advantages:
- Financial support
- Exemption from tuition fees at the host higher education institution
- Administrative support by the home and host higher education institution/company
- Recognition of study achievements regulated by learning agreements
- Free online language training (OLS)
- Special grants for students with special needs and students who are parents
You can find detailed information about the Erasmus+ programme and application, the procedure and the respective International Office contacts on the Studying in EU countries or Internships in EU countries or Erasmus+ pages.

Walter Ell Foundation
The Walter Ell Foundation awards scholarships and travel allowances to THWS students of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Business and Engineering for stays abroad and internships abroad within the EU. The prerequisite is passing the preliminary examination.
Financial grants from the foundation are awarded according to the following criteria, in particular to students and pupils from the city of Schweinfurt and the districts of Schweinfurt and Kitzingen:
• Financial need
• Achievement potential
Grants from the foundation must be applied for before starting the stay abroad. The application deadline each year is 15 January (for the following summer semester) and 15 July (for the following winter semester).
You can access the application form here
Contact person: Thorsten Ziegler (thorsten.ziegler[at]
Funding opportunities for stays in NON-EU countries through the International Office
Erasmus+ Student Mobility in partner countries (KA171)
Studies abroad at non-European THWS partner higher education institutions in Jordan can currently be funded through Erasmus+ (SMS). Funding for internships in this partner country is also possible.
You can find detailed information about the Erasmus+ programme and application, the procedure and the respective International Office contacts on the Studying in non-EU countries or Internships in non-EU countries pages.

PROMOS – programme to increase the mobility of students from German higher education institutions
As part of the German Academic Exchange Service’s (DAAD) PROMOS programme funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), THWS provides part-cost grants for stays abroad and internships outside Europe and stays abroad for language courses.
Possible combinations of PROMOS with other scholarships
• Scholarships from private funds can be obtained PROMOS scholarships without restriction.
• The “Deutschlandstipendium” and PROMOS scholarships can be obtained at the same time without restriction.
• DAAD individual scholarships and PROMOS scholarships may not be claimed at the same time.
• Double funding from German public funds is not eligible. If German public funds are used to support stays abroad, the decisive factor is the purpose. This means that PROMOS funding is not possible if the same purpose is already being pursued with German public funds.
• PROMOS scholarship holders are obliged to report PROMOS funding to other scholarship providers and, if they receive BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act), to the competent office for BAföG assistance for stays abroad.
Detailed information on PROMOS, the amount of the individual funding rates as well as on the application and procedure can be found on the Studying in non-EU countries or Internships in non-EU countries pages.
Funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts
The THWS uses funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts to award grants to German students who are planning a stay abroad outside Europe as part of their studies.
The application for financial support is made through the THWS International Office.
Detailed information on the funding programme as well as on the application and procedure can be found on the Studying in non-EU countries or Internships in non-EU countries pages.
Dr. Georg Schäfer-Jugendstiftung
The Dr. Georg Schäfer-Jugendstiftung supports stays abroad, in particular internships at higher education institutions outside Europe.
FHWS students of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science in Engineering Applications, Logistics, Mechanical Engineering and Business and Engineering are eligible to apply. Funding is primarily given to students from the city of Schweinfurt and the districts of Schweinfurt, Haßfurt, Rhön-Grabfeld and Bad Kissingen. Applicants must not be over 26 years old during period of the stay abroad.
Prerequisites for funding are exceptional academic achievements and financial need.
The application for a grant must be submitted before the start of the trip. The application deadline each year is 31 December (for the following summer semester) and 30 June (for the following winter semester).
Please send the filled out application form to Mr Thorsten Ziegler (thorsten.ziegler[at]
External Funding Opportunities
BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act) assistance for stays abroad
In principle, it is always advisable to apply for BAföG assistance for stays abroad. Many students receive this assistance even though they are not entitled to BAföG assistance at home due to their parents’ income. However, make sure that you submit your application to the relevant BAföG office at least six months before the start of your planned stay abroad. Requirements for assistance include sufficient language skills and a length of stay of at least one semester, even if you are doing an internship.
Federal educational loan programme
An educational or training loan from the Federal Government is another financing option for a stay abroad. This is a low-interest loan with a monthly payment of about EUR 300 for a maximum of 24 months. Your parents’ income and own assets do not play a role. You can get more information about this from the BAföG offices, the Studentenwerks and banks.
DAAD scholarship database
The range of scholarships on offer in Germany is huge – but therefore also confusing. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), for example, provides a good introduction to this topic with its scholarship database. If you take the time to search, you are sure to find a scholarship provider that suits you and then you can apply to them directly.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research scholarship guide
With the scholarship guide the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) offers an interactive platform to find the right scholarship for you based on your selected criteria.
Fulbright Germany (USA)
On the Fulbright programme’s website you can find scholarship programmes for German applicants who are planning a stay in the USA for studies, teaching or research or would like to take part in a short-term programme.
Your contact person at the International Office: Şenol Arslan (senol.arslan[at]
Bavarian higher education centres
BayIND funds stays in India for studies, internships and also for writing an academic thesis. Students at state and church higher education institutions in Bavaria who have completed at least their second undergraduate semester are eligible to apply.
Your contact person at the International Office: Nataliya Kudelya (nataliya.kudelya[at]
BAYLAT supports the exchange between Bavaria and Latin America with several of its own funding programmes. The programme descriptions and application requirements can be found under the corresponding menu item.
Your contact person at the International Office: Juan Pablo Juarez Castro (juanpablo.juarezcastro[at]
BAYHOST supports and funds student mobility (incoming and outgoing) between Bavarian universities and higher education institutions in Eastern Europe.
Your contact person at the International Office: Nataliya Kudelya (nataliya.kudelya[at]
BayCHINA awards mobility grants and partial scholarships to students and researchers at Bavarian higher education institutions and universities with the aim of expanding scientific collaboration between Bavaria and China. The funding programmes are aimed at students and doctoral students who wish to spend time in China in the context of internships, studying abroad and academic theses.
Your contact person at the International Office: Thomas Schmitt (thomas.schmitt[at]
Are you studying in Bavaria and preparing for a stay abroad or a research internship in France? Then BayFrance is your competent contact.
Your contact person at the International Office: Thomas Schmitt (thomas.schmitt[at]
BaCaTeC - high-tech research between Bavaria and California
The Bavarian-Californian Higher Education Centre funds and promotes collaboration between higher education and research institutions in Bavaria and California. This includes promoting the establishment and maintenance of direct contacts with competent partners from higher education institutions and business.