Full-time enrolment at THWS
Full-time study-integrated internship (at least 35 hours/week) in a non-European foreign country
Length of internship 1 to 6 months
Compliance with the application deadlines (all the application documents!)
International health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance
Internships in non-EU Countries
There are various funding programmes for an internship outside the EU which you have organised yourself. For financial support from the Erasmus+ Student Mobility with Partner Countries (KA107), PROMOS programmes or funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts you can apply directly through the THWS International Office (HSIN).
Details on the application for financial support as well as on the process are available below in the section on the respective programme.
The deadline for applications for financial support through one of these programmes is always 30 November (for the following summer semester) and 15 June (for the following winter semester).
Erasmus+ Student Mobility (SMI) in Partner Countries
The “Erasmus+ Student Mobility Internship Abroad in Partner Countries” programme gives THWS students the opportunity to gain practical experience in their field of work in selected partner countries outside the EU. In doing so, you benefit from the programme’s advantages:
- Financial support
- Academic recognition of the internship through the Learning Agreement
- Supervision during the internship by a contact person at the home higher education institution and in the company
- There are special funds for students with special needs or student parents
- Full-time enrolment at THWS
- Full-time study-integrated internship (at least 35 hours/week) in a non-European partner country
- Practical stay after the first semester
- Length of internship: 2 months (60 days) at least, 12 months (360 days) at most
- Compliance with the application deadline (all the application documents!)
- International health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance
- The following applies to THWS students: Internships with a monthly payment of more than EUR 800.00 will not be considered when grants are awarded.
- THWS graduates are not eligible for funding in the Erasmus+ Mobility with Partner Countries funding line.
Receiving organisations/enterprises for internships
- Higher education institutions with or without ECHE or any institution established in a partner country and active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training or youth, e.g. public and private small, medium or large enterprises
schools, institutes, training centres
non-profit organisations, associations, non-governmental organisations - Internships in EU institutions and other EU bodies, including specialised agencies, and bodies managing EU programmes (full list at https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/institutions-bodies_en). There are separate DAAD funding programmes for these kinds of internships.
Possible activities as part of internships
A special focus is placed on digital skills, as these are becoming increasingly important for all occupational profiles across the labour market. The following activities, for example, can be funded under digital skills:
- Digital marketing (e.g. social media management, web analysis)
- Digital graphic, mechanical or architectural design
- Digital application development, website design
- Installation, maintenance and administration of IT systems
- Cybersecurity
- Programming and training of robots and artificial intelligence
The “digital skills” category does not include general customer support, order processing, data entry, office work.
Partner countries and amount of grants
Erasmus+ funding varies depending on your destination. It is only granted if project funds are available and if the destination country meets the programme’s requirements.
- Project 2022 (Duration from 01/08/22 to 31/07/25): Jordan
- Project 2023 (Duration from 01/08/23 to 31/07/26): Albania
- You will receive a grant of 700 euros/month for living expenses (pro rata per day) and travel allowance, which varies depending on your country of destination.
- Travel allowance in accordance with the EU Distance Calculator:
Jordan: EUR 360
Albania: EUR 275
- The Erasmus+ grant is paid out in two instalments: You will receive 80% before the stay abroad, and the remaining 20% after the stay abroad.
Internship length and grant period
- Minimum length of internship 2 months (60 days): an extension is possible, but must be applied for in writing to the International Office at least 4 weeks before the originally planned end date.
If the internship ends before 60 days have elapsed, the Erasmus+ grant must be paid back. - Erasmus+ funding is possible for a maximum of 12 months for each part of studies (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral degree, Ph.D).
- The entire length of the internship should not exceed 5 months.
Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement is a central part of the Erasmus+ grant agreement and consists of three parts. Please keep this document in a safe place!
Part 1 Before the Mobility must first be completed and signed by you and the receiving organisation (enterprise) prior to the stay abroad, completed and approved by signature by your faculty’s internship coordinator.
Part 2 During the Mobility contains changes to the internship programme or internship period and, like Part 1, must be completed by you and confirmed by the responsible parties’ signatures at least four weeks before the originally planned end of the internship.
Part 3 After the Mobility is completed and signed by the receiving organisation/enterprise at the end of the internship, and submitted to the relevant examination board together with your application for accreditation and the qualified employer’s reference.
Please note the information in the documentation about completing Learning Agreement forms.
Internship abroad accreditation (ECTS)
To have the internship (including diploma supplement) accredited, please contact your faculty’s examination committee with your application for accreditation, the complete Learning Agreement (Part 1, 2 and 3), and the qualified work certificate on your return to THWS. If you have questions on the procedure for the recognition of credits within your degree programme, please contact the responsible member of staff at the Department of Student Affairs.
Optional or compulsory internships as part of the degree programme must always be recognised by higher education institution lecturers. Optional recognition means that your internship is deemed worthwhile as part of your studies, but the internship does not necessarily have to count towards ECTS credits.
Foreign language skills
You should have sufficient language skills in the working and/or national language. Therefore, it is worth while taking a language course well in advance. In addition to private offerings, language courses are offered, for example, from the following institutions: THWS Campus for Language Proficiency; University of Würzburg (JMU); Volkshochschule (VHS) Würzburg.
Selection criteria
Academic performance
Personal motivation
Personal commitment (e. g. in the field of expertise)
Steps Before, During and After Your Internship
Before the internship - application for an Erasmus+ grant
- As soon as you have found an internship and received the internship agreement, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant.
- Fill in the Learning Agreement (Part 1: Before the Mobility) digitally. The document must first be completed and signed by you and the receiving organisation/enterprise, completed and approved by signature by your faculty’s internship coordinator.
- Find out whether you have sufficient health, accident and liability insurance for your stay abroad and obtain the relevant certificates. These insurances are compulsory for an Erasmus+ internship.
You will find some useful information in our information on insurance and in our security briefing for´stays abroad for study and internship purposes.
All participants in the Erasmus+ programme have the option of being included in the DAAD’s group insurance, which offers comprehensive insurance cover . - Apply via the MoveOn portal. Please upload the following documents in PDF format:
- Your fully completed and signed Learning Agreement (Part 1)
- Internship agreement
- Your current certificate of enrolment in pdf format
- Evidence of health, liability and accident insurance abroad
- Submit the following documents as hard copies or by e-mail (PDF files) to Thomas Schmitt in the International Office:
- Application for a grant for a stay abroad with the financial circumstances declaration
- Letter of motivation
- Current transcript of records
- Proof of income
- BAföG confirmation, if applicable
- When the applications have been assessed, you will be informed about the selection decision by the International Office.
- If you have been selected, the International Office will issue you with an Erasmus+ grant agreement in duplicate. This document contains all conditions of the stay abroad as well as the amount of the Erasmus+ grant. Having signed it, please send one copy to the International Office so we can transfer the first instalment of 80% of the grant to your bank account.
- Please do not forget your re-enrolment at THWS. If you do not re-enrol, you will lose your status as a student, and it will no longer be possible to receive financial support.
During the internship
- Changes to the internship programme or the internship period must be specified in the Learning Agreement (Part 2: During the Mobility) and confirmed by all three parties signing the agreement. Send the signed document by e-mail to the responsible member of staff at the FHWS International Office immediately.
- Please inform the International Office regularly about how the internship is going (field of activity, learning effect, working conditions, etc.) by e-mail at the end of the month. Each monthly report should be about one page of A4.
- At the end of the internship, have the receiving organisation/enterprise complete the third part of the Learning Agreement (Part 3: After the Mobility) and issue a qualified internship certificate. In addition to the usual details of an employer’s reference (internship period, job description, etc.), this certificate also contains an evaluation of your performance and assessment of your social conduct towards superiors, employees in the company and the clientele.
- Participants in the ERASMUS+ programme are obliged to take part in the European Commission’s EU survey using the Mobility Tool+ (MT+) to evaluate stays abroad. 30 days before the end of the internship, you will therefore receive an e-mail containing the link and the request to take part in the online survey within the next 10 days. We ask you to complete this survey carefully.
After the internship
- Send the following documents by e-mail to the contact person responsible for you at the International Office within 30 days of your stay abroad:
- Fully completed and signed Learning Agreement (Part 1, 2 and 3) as well as your qualified employer’s reference in pdf format
- Certificate(s) of enrolment for the entire length of the internship abroad
- Please also submit your formal application for recognition of the internship on time.
Contact persons

Contact person for Non-EU funding
Thomas Schmitt
Room T.0.02
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg
E-mail thomas.schmitt[at]thws.de

Contact person for Erasmus+ funding
Maike Antlitz, M.A.
Room T.0.07
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg
E-Mail maike.antlitz[at]thws.de
PROMOS Scholarship
Within the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) programme PROMOS funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), THWS provides part-cost grants for internships outside Europe.
- Full-time enrolment at THWS
- Full-time study-integrated internship (at least 35 hours/week) in a non-European foreign country
- Length of internship: 6 weeks at least, 6 months at most
- Compliance with the application deadlines (all the application documents!)
- International health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance
- If you are enrolled at FHWS, you can apply if you meet one of the following conditions:
- You hold German citizenship or
- Are treated the same as Germans according to Section 8 (1) 2ff and (2) 2a and 3 BAföG (in this context, the wording of the law applies, to be found at www.das-neue-bafoeg.de) or
- Non-German students and graduates if they are enrolled in a degree programme at the Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt with the aim of obtaining a degree.
- For non-German nationals, stays in their home country are excluded. The home country is the country in which the student has predominantly lived for at least five years.
Destinations and funding rates
Recipients get fixed funding rates and flat rates. The amount of individual funding rates is available from the DAAD table on funding rates for PROMOS 2020.
Internship length and grant period
The length of the internship is 6 weeks at least and 6 months at most.
Foreign language skills
You should have sufficient language skills in the working and/or national language. Therefore, it is worth while taking a language course well in advance. In addition to private offerings, language courses are offered, for example, from the following institutions: THWS Campus for Language Proficiency; University of Würzburg (JMU); Volkshochschule (VHS) Würzburg.
Internship abroad recognition (ECTS)
Optional or compulsory internships as part of the degree programme must be recognised by higher education institution lecturers. Optional recognition means that your internship is deemed worthwhile, but the internship does not necessarily have to count towards ECTS credits.
To have your internship recognised, please contact your faculty’s examination committee with your application for accreditation, the internship agreement and the qualified employer’s reference.
Selection criteria
- Academic performance
- Financial need
- Personal motivation
Steps Before and During Your Internship
Before the internship - application for a PROMOS scholarship
- As soon as you have found an internship and received the internship agreement, you can apply for a PROMOS scholarship.
- Complete the Learning Agreement (Part 1: Before the Mobility) digitally (e.g. using this documentation about completing forms). The document must first be completed and signed by you and the receiving organisation/enterprise, completed and approved by signature by your faculty’s internship coordinator.
- Find out whether you have sufficient health, accident and liability insurance for your stay abroad and obtain the relevant certificates. For THWS students, these insurances are compulsory for an internship.
You will find some useful information in our information on insurance and in our security briefing for stays abroad for study and internship purposes.
THWS students have the option of being included in the DAAD’s group insurance, which offers comprehensive insurance cover . - Apply via the MoveOn portal. Please upload the following documents in PDF format:
- Your fully completed and signed Learning Agreement (Part 1)
- Internship agreement
- Your current certificate of enrolment
- Evidence of health, liability and accident insurance abroad
- Submit the following documents as hard copies or by e-mail (PDF files) to Thomas Schmitt in the International Office:
- Application for a grant for a stay abroad with the financial circumstances declaration
- Letter of motivation
- Current transcript of records
- Proof of income
- BAföG confirmation, if applicable
- When the applications have been assessed, you will be informed by the International Office by e-mail about the selection decision.
- If you have been selected, the International Office will initiate the payment of your scholarship.
- Please do not forget your re-enrolment at THWS. If you do not re-enrol, you will lose your status as a student, and it will no longer be possible to receive financial support.
During the internship
- At the end of the internship, you will have a qualified internship certificate issued by the receiving organisation/enterprise. In addition to the usual details of an employer’s reference (internship period, job description, etc.), this certificate also contains an evaluation of your performance and assessment of your social conduct towards superiors, employees in the company and the clientele.
Contact person

Contact Person for Non-EU Funding
Thomas Schmitt
Room T.0.02
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg
E-mail thomas.schmitt[at]fhws.de
Funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
With the help of funds from the Free State of Bavaria, THWS provides financial support for German students planning a mobility to a non-European country during their studies.
As soon as you have found your internship, you can apply for a scholarship funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts at the International Office.
Funding is possible for any country. However, there is the condition that no other state funding is received (DAAD, Erasmus+). Only funding through BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act) is expressly exempt from this.
Internship length and grant period
Funding is possible for mobilities of at least 1 month and up to mobilities of 6 months.
Foreign language skills
You should have sufficient language skills in the working and/or national language. Therefore, it is worth while taking a language course well in advance. In addition to private offerings, language courses are offered, for example, from the following institutions: THWS Campus for Language Proficiency; University of Würzburg (JMU); Volkshochschule (VHS) Würzburg.
Internship abroad recognition (ECTS)
Optional or compulsory internships as part of the degree programme must be recognised by higher education institution lecturers. Optional recognition means that your internship is deemed worthwhile, but the internship does not necessarily have to count towards ECTS credits.
To have your internship recognised, please contact your faculty’s examination committee with your application for accreditation, the internship agreement and the qualified employer’s reference.
Selection criteria
- Study achievements earned
- Letter of motivation (approx. 1 page of A4) with reference to
- Meaning and purpose of the planned stay for the further course of studies
- Personal motivation
- Relevant language skills
- Financial need
Steps Before and During Your Internship
Before the internship – application for funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
- As soon as you have found an internship and received the internship agreement, you can apply for financial support.
- Complete the Learning Agreement (Part 1: Before the Mobility) digitally (e.g. using this documentation about completing forms). The document must first be completed and signed by you and the receiving organisation/enterprise, completed and approved by signature by your faculty’s internship coordinator.
- Find out whether you have sufficient health, accident and liability insurance for your stay abroad and obtain the relevant certificates. For THWS students, these insurances are compulsory for an internship. You will find some useful information in our information on insurance and in our security briefing for stays abroad for study and internship purposes.
THWS students have the option of being included in the DAAD’s group insurance, which offers comprehensive insurance cover . - Apply via the MoveOn portal. Please upload the following documents in PDF format:
- Your fully completed and signed Learning Agreement (Part 1)
- Internship agreement
- Your current certificate of enrolment in pdf format
- Evidence of health, liability and accident insurance abroad
- Submit the following documents as hard copies or by e-mail (PDF files) to Thomas Schmitt in the International Office:
- Application for a grant for a stay abroad with the financial circumstances declaration
- Letter of motivation
- Current transcript of records
- Proof of income
- BAföG confirmation, if applicable
- When the applications have been assessed, you will be informed by the International Office by e-mail about the selection decision.
- If you have been selected, the International Office will initiate the payment of your scholarship.
- Please do not forget your re-enrolment at THWS. If you do not re-enrol, you will lose your status as a student, and it will no longer be possible to receive financial support.
During the internship
- At the end of the internship, you will have a qualified internship certificate issued by the receiving organisation/enterprise. In addition to the usual details of an employer’s reference (internship period, job description, etc.), this certificate also contains an evaluation of your performance and assessment of your social conduct towards superiors, employees in the company and the clientele.
Contact person

Contact Person for Non-EU Funding
Thomas Schmitt
Room T.0.02
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg
E-mail thomas.schmitt[at]thws.de