Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training
To strengthen international cooperation between higher education institutions, the European Commission supports training in Erasmus+ programme countries (EU) and partner countries (NON-EU) through the “Erasmus+ Staff Mobility” programme line.
The aim is to strengthen the professional and personal development of non-academic and academic higher education staff at international level. International networks are to be expanded and broadened through the willingness to receive and supervise return visits by higher education staff.
Activities such as job shadowing, participation in workshops, seminars, language courses and International Staff Training Weeks are eligible for funding.
The International Office can help you finance training abroad in European and non-European countries within the framework of the following programmes:
Erasmus+ mobility for training purposes (STT) in programme countries (EU)
Within the framework of this programme line, financial support for training at higher education institutions with ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) or another institution based in another programme country and active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training or youth can be applied for at the THWS International Office.
Target group
- THWS non-academic and academic staff
- Stay abroad between 2 days and 60 days (excluding travel days) in one of the participating programme countries
- Actual stay at the host higher education institution
- Apply for an Erasmus+ grant at least 4 weeks before the start of the stay abroad
- Participation in conferences and congresses, research projects directly related to research, and “pure” partner visits are not eligible for funding
- Parallel funding from other EU programmes is excluded
Programme countries and mobility grant
Subsistence allowance
The mobility grants awarded by the EU within the framework of Erasmus+ STT are based on the different costs of living in the countries of destination. The funding is intended as a contribution to cover the costs incurred by staff mobility abroad. Complete coverage of travel expenses cannot be guaranteed.
For THWS staff, Erasmus+ funding is limited to a maximum of 5 consecutive active days (working days) at the host university or the host organisation. Additional financial support for travelling days can be requested (see "Additional funding opportunities for your outward and return journey").
Groups | Destination | Erasmus+ grant STA/day |
Group 1 | Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom* | EUR 180.00 |
Group 2 | Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus | EUR 160.00 |
Group 3 | Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary | EUR 140.00 |
The funding amounts to 70% of the above-mentioned daily rates from the 15th to the 60th day of stay.
* Stays in the United Kingdom can still be funded as a mobility programme country until May 2023. The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU may result in considerable additional work for stays from 2021.
Travel allowance
In addition to the above-mentioned daily rates, travel costs are reimbursed, which are calculated uniformly throughout Europe using the European Commission's distance calculator, depending on the real distance between the place of departure and destination
The one-way distance is the basis for calculating the travel allowance.
10 to 99 km | EUR 20 |
100 to 499 km | EUR 180 |
500 to 1,999 km | EUR 275 |
2,000 to 2,999 km | EUR 360 |
3,000 to 3,999 km | EUR 530 |
4,000 to 7,999 km | EUR 820 |
8,000 km or more | EUR 1,500 |
No insurance cover is associated with an Erasmus+ grant.
Erasmus+ mobility for training purposes (STT) in partner countries (NON-EU)
Within the framework of bilateral cooperation agreements with a number of non-European partner higher education institutions, training for a length of at least 5 days, excluding travel days, is eligible for funding.
Partner countries, partner higher education institutions, faculties
For an overview of partner countries, partner higher education institutions and faculties, please see Erasmus+ partner higher education institutions in non-EU countries
Target group
- THWS non-academic and academic staff
- Stay between 5 days and 60 days (excluding travel days) at one of the participating partner higher education institutions
- Actual stay at the host higher education institution
- Apply for an Erasmus+ grant at least 4 weeks before the start of the stay abroad
- Participation in conferences and congresses, research projects directly related to research, and “pure” partner visits are not eligible for funding
- Parallel funding from other EU programmes is excluded
Mobility grant
Subsistence allowance
The Erasmus+ funding is intended as a contribution to cover the costs incurred by staff mobility abroad. Complete coverage of travel expenses cannot be guaranteed.
Sending country | Destination | Erasmus+ grant STA/day |
Germany | Partner country | EUR 180.00 |
Partner country | Germany | EUR 160.00 |
The funding amounts to 70% of the above-mentioned daily rates from the 15th to the 60th day of stay.
The active working days at the host institution are subsidised. Travel days, weekends and public holidays in the country of destination are not funded.
Starting with the 2023 project, one day of travel to and one day of travel from the destination country will be subsidized. Weekends and public holidays in the destination country will still not be funded.
Travel allowance
In addition to the above-mentioned daily rates, travel costs are reimbursed, which are calculated uniformly throughout Europe using the European Commission's distance calculator, depending on the real distance between the place of departure and destination
The one-way distance is the basis for calculating the travel allowance.
Russia, Ukraine | EUR 275 |
Jordan | EUR 360 |
Ghana, India, Nigeria | EUR 820 |
China, Mexico, Taiwan | EUR 1,500 |
No insurance cover is associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant.
Additional funding opportunities for your outward and return journey
1. Green Travel
Your trip will be low on emission?
Then you have the possibility of a "Green Travel" Top-Up within an Erasmus+ grant.
- - Green Travel means travel that uses low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or carpooling for the majority of the trip (Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2021, p. 318).
- - Financial Top-Up: Slightly increased travel allowance and funding of up to 4 additional (travel) days if longer time is needed for the trip due to the use of sustainable means of transport.
The additional financial support for sustainable travel is regulated by the Erasmus+ grant agreement. In the Declaration on Honour Travel Days / Green Travel all details about the amount of the grant as well as the criteria for qualification are explained.
To apply for the Top-Up, the completed and signed Declaration of Honor must be uploaded to the MoveON portal when applying.
2. Funding for travel days
The Erasmus+ mobility grant is calculated to the day and takes into account the days on which you are required to be present at the host institution. Days spent purely travelling are not usually included. If, for reasons of programme scheduling, you are travelling for additional days for your stay abroad for which you require financial support, you can apply to the International Office for funding for up to two additional (travel) days (e.g. if you have to arrive one day before the start of the programme or can only leave one day after the end of the programme).
If you require funding for additional days to cover your costs, please report this via the Declaration on Honour for Travel Days / Green Travel. This must be signed and submitted with the MoveON application to the International Office.
Additional funding opportunities: "Fewer Opportunities"
Additional funding for university staff with disabilities or chronical illnesses
University staff with a degree of disability of at least 20 or a chronic illness who are funded for a stay abroad via Erasmus+ can inquire about the possibility of real cost reimbursement at the “Hochschulservice Internationales” (University Service International) of the THWS (HSIN).
Special funds of a maximum of 15,000 euros per mobility can be applied for via a real cost application.
The special funds are calculated on the basis of the real additional costs incurred and proven by appropriate attachments (internet research, correspondence with national offices, etc.).
The application amount will be calculated according to your personal needs and paid out in addition to the regular Erasmus+ funding rate.
Please note that only additional costs can be taken into account that are
a. not covered by national agencies (integration offices, health insurance companies, regional associations, social welfare offices, student unions).
b. incurred by you as a result of your stay abroad. These include, for example, flight costs and costs for the accommodation of accompanying assistants or for barrier-free accommodation.
Since you must prove the difference between the costs at home and abroad, please plan enough time for the application in cooperation with the HSIN.
The application must be submitted to NA DAAD by HSIN at least two months before your departure. Unfortunately, an application submitted after the start of the international mobility cannot be considered.
If you apply for funding for services that are excluded from special funding (e.g., the purchase of new technical equipment), NA DAAD reserves the right to reduce the application amount accordingly (after consultation with your home university).
Additional funding for participants who undertake their international mobility with child(ren)
University staff who are funded for a stay abroad via Erasmus+ and travel abroad with their child/children can inquire about the possibility of a real cost reimbursement at the “Hochschulservice Internationales” (University Service International) of the THWS (HSIN) from the summer semester 2023 onwards.
Steps before, during and after staff mobility for training purposes
Before the stay abroad - application for an Erasmus+ grant
- Find out about the higher education institution/host institution where you would like to complete your training.
Stays abroad in EU countries: The current THWS higher education partnerships where staff mobility is possible can be found in MoveON (Training in EU countries).
Stays abroad in NON-EU countries: Please enquire about the mobility opportunities available within the framework of the current FHWS higher education institution partnerships by emailing Ms Maike Antlitz (maike.antlitz[at] - Complete the Staff Mobility Agreement for Training Purposes in full and obtain the signatures of the further parties (receiving institution, head of department of the applicant) by e-mail.
- Register via the MoveOn portal (Staff mobility for training purposes). In doing so, upload the following documents:
- the mobility agreement signed by all parties
- if applicable, the completed and signed Declaration on Honour Travel Days / Green Travel (Part 1).
These documents will be used by HSIN as a basis for calculating the Erasmus+ grant and should be received by HSIN at least four weeks before the start of the trip. - Once your application has been checked and accepted, you will receive an e-mail from the International Office informing about the amount of the Erasmus+ grant.
- Business trip application through BayRMS on the Mitarbeiterservice Bayern portal: please find the necessary booking details as well as the amount of the Erasmus+ grant in the release of funds statement.
- You will receive two copies of the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement, which is the funding agreement of the Erasmus+ programme, from the International Office. After signing it, return one copy to the International Office.
During your stay abroad
- On the last day of your stay at the host higher education institution, ask the International Office there to issue you with confirmation of the actual length of your stay and the purpose of the activity. The document must contain the date of issue and be signed.
After your stay abroad
- All participants of the Erasmus+ program are required to participate in the EU Survey, an online survey conducted by the European Commission to evaluate the study abroad experience. After your study abroad period, you will receive an email from "EU CORPORATE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM" containing a link to the survey. You are requested to complete the survey within 10 days.
- You submit the confirmation from the host institution about the actual length of the stay to the International Office, Ms Ebner.
- If additional funding for sustainable travel has been applied for, the Declaration on Honour Travel Days / Green Travel (Part 2) must be completed and signed and submitted to the HSIN, Ms. Ebner, together with the relevant supporting documents.
- Travel expenses are invoiced through BayRMS on the Mitarbeiterservice Bayern portal.
Contact persons

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility in EU countries
Elisabeth Ebner
Room T.0.03
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg
E-mail elisabeth.ebner[at]

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility NON-EU countries
Maike Antlitz, M.A.
Room T.0.07
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg
E-Mail maike.antlitz[at]