About the project
The 3IN Alliance (European University Alliance of Inclusion, Integration und Involvement) was formed in 2018 around the core subject area of applied social sciences as an international cooperation between the following higher education institutions: Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, VID Specialized University, Norway, ISAVE - Higher Education Institute of Health, Portugal, and the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS), Germany.
When applying for EU funding to drive the europeanization of the university landscape forward in 2019 the Alliance was already one of the best rated. On the part of FHWS the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences (FAS) and the International Office (HSIN) worked closely on the application.
With the project FHWS 3IN HSIN and FAS obtained funding for the duration from 2020 until 2022 from the German Academic exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the initiative “European University Networks” (EUN).
Articles worth reading
FHWS Fokus Orange
FHWS stärkt mit 3IN-Allianz Internationalisierung der Sozialwissenschaften (German Only)
3IN Alliance
The German “FHWS 3IN” support project turns challenges into resources
FHWS Pressemitteilung
Die FHWS mit den Instrumenten Inklusion, Integration und Involvement gemeinsam auf dem Weg zur von Brüssel geförderten Europäischen Hochschule (German Only)
3IN Alliance
Insights to the Protection of the Human Rights in Europe
Here you will find all the information that the 3IN project has in store for you as a student.