Project FHWS Praxis International

FHWS Praxis International was a project at the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems (FIW) in cooperation with the International Office (HSIN) of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt to internationalise industry contacts. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funded the project in the HAW.International Module A funding line for two years until December 2021 with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Aims of the project
Within the project, measures were being developed since January 2020 to make the students of the faculty aware of the possibility to complete the practical semester abroad, to support the application process with foreign companies and to prepare the students for the stay abroad accordingly. More information about the project and the internship opportunities can be found on the project website.
Project Coordination

Franzsika Meyer (FIW)
Room I.3.2
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8329
E-Mail franziska.meyer[at]