Smiling traveling student at the airport

Contact Persons at THWS

During your studies, you will encounter questions or issues that need to be solved. We at THWS offer several counselling options.

General support

In the following section, you can find contact persons who can help you with information about the life at THWS and in Germany. They can also help you if you are not clear who the correct contact person for your question is.

When you have a question, please take into account the logical order of your contact persons. If you have a question, please contact your Buddy first. If they do not know the answer or if you do not have a Buddy, please contact one of the GAT tutors, and so on.

Video tutorial about general support at THWS



Some faculties offer Buddy Programmes for their first semester students.

Buddies/tutors are students who help international students:

  • They pick students up from the train station
  • They show them around town, at THWS, faculties, studies, etc.
  • They plan free-time activities to help international students with getting to know the place and meeting new people

If you study International Management, and you are looking for a Buddy, please send an email to: welcome[at]

During the General Academic Tutorial (GAT), tutors will introduce you to topics concerning life and studies at THWS. Those information will help you to find your way around THWS quicker and make your start in Germany easier.

All students who take part can enjoy a free cup of coffee with every tutorial. No signup required.

  1. Talk time: 90 minutes, once a week
  2. Time and place: will be announced here at the beginning of the semester
  3. Topics: General introduction to studies, contact persons at THWS, exam preparation, exam deadlines, signup, language courses, free-time, etc.

Contact GAT tutorials Würzburg:

Contact GAT tutorials Schweinfurt:

The tutors at the i-Point (information point for international students) can help you with the following topics:

  • Administrative formalities after arrival
  • Counselling during the semester

From 25th of January to 15th of  February and in July and September,  the i-Point is open irregularly . From 16th of February to the 14th of March and in August the i-Point is closed due vacation. Please make an appointment: during these time periods.

Location: Campus 1, Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, 1st floor, glas room

Opening hours:

Monday: 09:00 - 13:15

Tuesday: 11:30 - 14:00

Wednesday: 14:00 - 18:00

Thursday: 11:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 18:00

Friday: 9:00 - 13:15

FHWS i-Point

International Office

Contact persons in Würzburg

Aylin Chaban

Aylin Chaban, M. A.

Responsible for full-time students and exchange students
Phone +49 9721 940-8569
Email aylin.chaban[at]

Claudia Wilkenshoff

Claudia Wilkenshoff

Responsible for exchange students
Phone +49 931 3511-8174
Email claudia.wilkenshoff[at]

Contact persons in Schweinfurt

Aylin Chaban

Aylin Chaban, M. A.

Responsible for full-time students
Phone +49 9721 940-8569
Email aylin.chaban[at]

[Translate to Englisch:] Thorsten Ziegler_FHWS

Thorsten Ziegler

Responsible for exchange students
Phone +49 9721 940-8649
Email thorsten.ziegler[at]

Forum - peer to peer support

In the forum you can discuss topics and questions related to the THWS. You will find information about various relevant topics as well. In case you still got open questions, senior students will provide you with the answers.

Click here for the forum.

Study support

In the following section, you can find contact persons who can assist you with all questions concerning studies at FHWS and student life.

Video tutorial about study support at FHWS

Department of Student Affairs (HSST)

The team of the Department of Student Affairs are responsible for all issues concerning the organization of studies and exam formalities.

The offices of the Department of Student Affairs are located in Schweinfurt or Würzburg, depending on the degree programme.

Under the following link, you can find your contact person


The Department of Student Affairs provides information about the following topics:

  • Application and enrolment
  • Semester fee
  • Internships
  • Exam schedules and signup

More important services offered by HSST are the student portal and the form centre.

THWS CampusPortal

Via the student portal, you can take care of the following formalities online:

  • Enrolment certificates and confirmations of your period of studies
  • Information about grades
  • Exam signup
  • Re-enrolment
  • Changes of address

THWS CampusPortal:



Form centre

In the form centre, you can find forms to the following topics:

  • Leave of absence
  • Parental leave
  • Deadline extension
  • Disenrollment
  • Grade improvement
  • Refund of the semester fee

Form centre:

The Dean’s Offices are the administrative units of the faculties. Each faculty has their own Dean’s Office, which is led by the Dean.

You can find the opening times and contact persons of the Dean’s Office on the homepage of your faculty.

The teams of the Dean’s Offices provide information about the following topics:

  • Lecture schedules and room schedules
  • Organization of faculty events (graduate festivities, information events)
  • Recognition of studies and exams
  • Exam schedules
  • Course-related tutorials

Programme Advisors are professors or staff of your faculty who provide information about academic issues concerning the content of your study programme. You can contact the responsible Programme Advisor if you want to know:

  • Which courses/lectures you should take
  • What you need to do if you want to switch your study programme
  • If your previously accomplished studies and exams can be recognized for your current studies

Overview of Programme Advisors at FHWS

Further counselling services

In the following section, you can find contact persons who can help you with legal questions or social aspects.

Video tutorial about further counselling services



The student residence offers free legal advice. They offer support with legal issues, including issues concerning tenancy law or labour law. Please make an appointment here.

A team of psychologists provides different therapy offers, including offers for personal crises or exam anxiety. With a signup, a contribution to costs in the amount of € 10 is due.

The student residence offers social counselling which deals with issues such as social benefits (housing benefits or child benefits), studying with a child, or compensation for disadvantages for disabled or chronically disabled students. The counselling is free of charge. A signup is not required.

Disabled or Chronically Ill Students can contact the FHWS Officer for Disabled or Chronically Ill Students in order to enable successful studies.