Old bridge - Alte Mainbrücke - in Würzburg

Bachelor's degree programme Architektur

Report February - Architektur

| Bachelor's degree programme Architektur

February of 2018 started really fast for me. It was the time that classes had ended and the prep phase for exams had started. So we did one last party before we started to bury ourselves to our rooms and started learning. It was...

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Report January - Architektur

| Bachelor's degree programme Architektur

The month started pretty cool for me with new year stuff. I was already back home and I was feeling awesome, you know, catching up with friends ad seeing my family. The thing, I didn’t do the first week of January, when I was...

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Report December - Architektur

| Bachelor's degree programme Architektur

December started really fast and stressful for me. In the first five days of December I had five due dates for five different projects. It was really hard at first because like every other student I didn’t do them until the last...

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Report November - Architektur

| Bachelor's degree programme Architektur

The month of November was the month that I felt like I was starting to get to know so many more people. The first week I discovered the Uni-Sportzentrum and started to working out again. It felt amazing to get back at the weights...

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Report October - Architektur

| Bachelor's degree programme Architektur

When the calendars hit the month of October I was already in my dormitory - actually I was moving in the first day of October. The moving in part was really exhausting, yes, but it was actually really fun because it’s like the...

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