International students in the robotics program

Report January - E-Commerce

Mon, 1 Jan 2018 | Bachelor's degree programme E-Commerce

I can describe January with only one word: exams. The exam period started very early for me. On 26.01., I had my first exam. As I had a very tight exam schedule, it`s not a surprise that I spent the whole time after my arrival on 7.1. with exam preparation. I studied a lot, because the exams were very important for me.

On 20.1., I had my first fencing duel. As I mentioned in my reports before, I am a member of a dueling fraternity. Fencing is one of the main disciplines of the Corps, because you can develop your body and spirit. The most interesting, but sometimes also frightening part is that you fight with a sharp blade and minimal protection. You cannot move a lot and you cannot show fear during the duel. I experienced a very special and intense day in the week before my first exam. This was the only distraction during the preparation for my exam period.

I spent the last week of December and the first week of January in Ukraine. I celebrated New Year’s and gave a presentation about FHWS at my old school. It felt very special to give a presentation about my studies abroad and show the students all the perspectives, three years after my graduation. The presentation arouse a lot of interest among the students.

New Year’s in the Ukraine requires a lot of preparation. My friends helped me a lot with that, so we had a very festive and relaxing time together. The time at home passed much too quickly again.