International students in the robotics program

Report February - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Sun, 11 Feb 2018 | Bachelor's degree programme Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Even though Schweinfurt is a very small city, you can always find a part-time job you can do besides your studies.

There are many shops in the city, which look for staff (e.g. shop assistants). Just walk through the city and you can see many job offers in the shop windows. You can also work in a restaurant as a waiter or in the kitchen. I worked in a restaurant (Estanzia) for almost five months. The people were nice and I liked the working environment. It wasn’t that exhausting and the customers were friendly. I had a €450-contract, so I could work and study at the same time.

FHWS sometimes offers jobs too, where you can work e.g. at the I-Point. You only have to help international students when they have questions. You can also work there when you have a project. I don’t know how exactly it works but I know someone who works there. You can also work in the library, e.g. help the employees to sort the books or lend them.

You can also work in your holidays. There are many holiday jobs, part-time or full-time jobs for students, which you can do without any problems (check your visa if you are a foreigner). There is even an organization (POD), which helps you to find a job. You just have to look and then you can find a good job.