Old bridge - Alte Mainbrücke - in Würzburg

Job Search

How can I search for job offers?

In an ideal case, you already have a safe job offer when graduating.

Searching for jobs

Many positions are being filled via personal contacts. Thus, the network you establish with the help of internships, part-time jobs or voluntary work is vital. But this presupposes that you have already started networking at an early stage!

Searching a job online in job portals and online applications have become the norm today. There are regional job portals, portals for specific professions or general job portals. The page Job Links contains a list linking to all kinds of job portals.

Job fairs like Akademika (in spring in Nürnberg, in autumn in Augsburg) and the THWS Praxistage (each November in Schweinfurt) are an opportunity to get information about job offers, internships, final thesis or trainee programmes. In addition, you can use these job fairs to improve your network with companies. You even might find your future employer there!


Check the following pages for information about the events of THWS:

- Please use the link to Akademika and get more information.

- Please use the link to Praxisforum of THWS and get more information.

During trade fairs like CeBit, Grüne Woche, IFAT or IAA exhibitors also offer information about job offers.

Even if many job advertisements are published online, especially small and medium-sized enterprises often advertise their jobs in daily or weekly newspapers. Having a look into newspapers may be worthwhile!

Please note that searching for a job requires much time.

To appropriately apply for a job, you have to read the job advertisement carefully. Adapt your application so it fits the requirements listed in the job advertisement.

If you realise that you hardly fulfil the requirements, it can indicate that you chose the wrong job for your application.


Depending on your degree, your career goals and the region, the number of applications you have to write until being finally employed may differ considerably. Therefore, don’t be disappointed if you do not get a positive response to your application immediately.