International Career Service
Schedule for summer semester 2025
In summer semester 2025 most courses will be conducted online. You will need a PC and headphone. Dates will be announced soon.
Career related topics:
- ??? (???): 16:00 – 17:00 pm: Career Meet Up: Job Speed Dating with companies (Schweinfurt: großer Hörsaal 1/In front of Warema Aula)
- 03.06.25 (Di): 10:00 – 16:00 pm: Job Fair Study & Stay (Schweinfurt: Mensa Hubland Süd – in presence)
- ??? (???): 10:00 – 16:00 pm: Company tours: Career Talk: Attending companies and date will be announced soon (in presence – Shuttle bus)
- 15.05.25 (Thu): 17:30 – 19:30 pm: Job interview & Salary negotiation (Karrierecoach – online)
- 03.06.25 (Tue): 17:30 - 19:30 pm: Application training + CV check (Aktivsenioren – Online)
- 10.06.25 (Tue): 17:30 – 19:30: Business Etiquette (Karrierecoach – online)
Successful studies:
- 06.05.25 (Tue): 17:30 – 19:30 pm: How to learn efficiently (Karrierecoach – online)
- 26.06.25(Thu): 17:30 – 19:30 pm: Scientific work (Karrierecoach – online)
All courses count for KomPass International!

KomPass International confirms skills and competences thus helping THWS students to prepare and qualify for an international work environment in a German company. On the webpage KomPass International you find further information.
Why KomPass?
- Intercultural competences.
- Improved English-/German language proficiency.
- Increased academic success.
- More successful search for internships and jobs.
- Mastering the transition into German business life.
Registration: Events
Studying Successfully

International students are often challenged by the German teaching and learning culture. The offers presented on the linked pages seek to support the students and help them to successfully complete their studies.
If students have difficulties in a certain module and failed the exam, there is the possibility to take part in a tutorial in order to deal intensively with the topic.
Examples for tutorials offered regularly:
- Mathematics,
- Technical mathematics,
- Strength/Mechanics of materials,
- Dynamics,
- Computing
- and many more.
Feel free to register, if you are interested in one of the tutorials. You can also suggest a module/subject for a new tutorial. As soon as there are three possible participants, the tutorial is offered. Please note, that your registration is binding. The tutorials take place during the semester.
Please register via THWS E-Learning.
Teaching & Learning culture
Target group of the event Teaching & Learning culture:
- International students in the first semester.
For many international students, studying in Germany is a completely new experience, not only because of the new environment. The way German universities teach and the kind of performance expected from students are new to many international students.
Due to that fact, we offer these courses at the beginning of each winter semester, in which we try to explain the specifics of the German teaching and learning culture. Participating students are taught how to prepare for exams in Germany and pass them successfully.
Course themes:
- Project management & organizing your studies
- Semester planing & time management
- Exam preparation (how to prepare and pass your exams)
- Methods how to copy with stress
Please register via THWS E-Learning.
Preparatory course mathematics
Before each winter semester the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities (FANG) offers preparatory courses mathematics in German and English.
Information about the course location and further course dates can be found on the FANG webpage.
There is no pre-registration required.
Target group of the preparatory course mathematics:
- First-semester students who have completed a non-technical course at a specialised secondary school (e.g. FOS economics or general Abitur)
- First-semester students who graduated from high school more than two years ago and who want to fill gaps in their mathematical knowledge or brush up their mathematical skills.
The preparatory courses are not aimed at successful participants of the corresponding advanced courses.
Course topics:
- Trigonometry
- Elementary calculation techniques
- Trigonometric functions
- Exponential functions
- Linear equations
- Linear systems of equations with two unknowns
- Vector calculus in the plane
- Quadratic equations
- Calculating with powers and logarithms
- Term transformations
- Fractions
Transition into professional life

To facilitate the transition from student life into professional life, we offer various events. They are devised to help our students in getting an overview of possible employers, to broaden their network and apply successfully.
Company tours
With small groups, THWS and Region Mainfranken GmbH visit local companies throughout Lower Franconia (Unterfranken).
Target group for company tours:
- Students who want to get a first impression about the company of a potential employer.
- Students who want to make first contacts and extend their personal network.
- Students who search for a job position and want to get to know a contact person of a company personally.
- Students who want to get advices from the HR department of the company regarding their application for this specific company.
Region Mainfranken GmbH - Career Tours
- Date: 18.04.24
- Shuttle Bus (data will be announced soon):
- ??:?? amTHWS Münzstraße 12 Würzburg
- ??:?? am THWS Hubland Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
- ??:?? am THWS Schweinfurt Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2, 97499 Schweinfurt
Registration: For Career Tours, please register on the webpage of Region Mainfranken GmbH.
One tour– plenty career perspectives. Get to know top employers from Mainfranken, inform yourself about your career perspectives and get in touch with the HR managers directly by attending at the Career Tours 2024.
Participating companies:
- Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg,
- Rockenstein AG, offers worldwide individual, powerful and comprehensive solutions for the core competencies: data centre, global network, cloud and service & IT Management.
THWS - company tours
Registration: For THWS company tours, please register via THWS E-Learning.
Company tours have taken place to:
- ZF Friedrichshafen AG
- Schaeffler AG
- Knauf Gips KG
- DATA MODUL Weikersheim GmbH
- Hi-Lex Europe GmbH
- SKF GmbH
- Flyerarlarm GmbH
- Salt Solution GmbH
- Rockenstein AG
- Eikona AG
- Garmin GmbH
- FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG
- SKZ - das Süddeutsche Kunststoff-Zentrum
- Vogel Communication Group
- Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg
- FIS Informationssysteme und Consulting GmbH
- Wölfel Engineering GmbH + Co. KG
- Tripps GmbH
Job fairs
Take part in our job fairs and build up your network by creating personal contacts. In your conversations with these companies you inform yourself about the company and positions as working student, internships, job positions or your bachelor or master thesis.
The THWS offers the following job fairs:
Study & Stay:
- For for further information about the THWS job fair, check this webpage.
Career Meet Up:
- Speed dating with companies. Book your time slot and inform yourself about open positions (working student, internships, job position or bachelor & master thesis).
- Date: On 16.10.24
- Time: From 17:00 - 19:00 pm
- Location: In the pre-area of the large lecture hall 1 (Großer Hörsaal 1/ Warema Aula) ) in Ignatz-Schön-Straße 11 in Schweinfurt.
- For checking the participating companies and booking your time slot, please register on this webpage.
Further job fairs:
- For information about further job fairs, check the webpage of Region Mainfranken GmbH.
Webinars about career-related topics
Each semester we offer various career-related topics, which help our students to transition smoothly into professional life.
- Application training & CV-check
- Job interview training
- Salary negotiation
- Assessment centre training
- Online & unsolicited applications
- Business etiquette
- Team & cooperation
- Body language and its effect
- Duties & obligations at the job
- Local labour market
- Intercultural training
- Scientific work
- and more
Please register via THWS E-Learning.
Information about application and job hunting
On the linked pages you will find information about
Hochschul-Jobbörse (an online vacancy database initiated by various universities)
The Hochschul-Jobbörse contains offers for working students or regular job offers. It also contains offers in English.
Please click on Hochschul-Jobbörse of THWS.
Job fair Study & Stay of THWS
This is the job fair of THWS in cooperation with Julius Maximilian University Würzburg. It takes place every year in November. There, students have the opportunity to directly get into contact with possible employers. You might find an internship or your future employer. See you there!
Please click on Study & Stay.
Online job portals
Various online services offer a job search engine.
Please click on online job search.
Application - information about starting a career
Here, you can find information about application issues:
- How can I plan my career?
- How/Where can I look for a job?
- How do I write an application?
- How can I apply?
- What do I have to consider before or during a job interview?
Klicken Sie auf Bewerbung, um auf die Seite zu gelangen.