International students work together on a laptop.

The Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts’ funding programme for international visiting professors

The Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts’ funding programme for international visiting professors is part of the internationalisation programme for Bavarian higher education institutions.

Teaching format

Visiting professorships are also possible in digital format! This refers to teaching and research or teaching only. Unfortunately, a pure research mission is not possible. Research is only possible in connection with a sufficiently comprehensive teaching load.  

Aim of the programme

• Attracting academics from abroad for a limited period 
   as visiting professors at Bavarian higher education institutions 
• Funding the conducting of limited-term research projects 
• Internationalisation of teaching 

Eligibility to apply

All THWS professors are eligible to apply in consultation with the faculty Deans. The application requires the Dean’s signature. It is not possible for visiting academics to apply directly.

Eligible staff - Who can be funded?

The Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts’ funding programme for international visiting professors is aimed exclusively at international professors who are interested in a visiting professorship at a Bavarian higher education institution.

Lecturers in general, PhD students and post-docs are eligible for funding through Erasmus+ KA 171.

Duration of stay

At least 4 weeks up to a maximum of 6 months.

Activities eligible for funding

• Complementary courses (lectures, talks, block seminars or seminars) 
• Initiation, development or consolidation of teaching and research collaborations 
• Preparation of third-party funding applications

Please note: Substituting lectures that already exist as well as undergraduate teaching cannot be funded!

Financial support

The visiting professor’s monthly remuneration is regulated by an THWS employment contract.

Travel expenses and accommodation costs are met by the visiting professor.  

Application process

Application deadlines:

30 November for the summer semester
30 June for the winter semester 

Applications must be submitted exclusively using the application form, which can be found on the intranet. Please send the completed application by e-mail to the International Office (, CC: 

Documents to be submitted

1) Application form with the relevant Dean’s signature
2) Copy of a valid ID-card or passport
3) Proof of current employment at a higher education institution or university as a professor
4) Curriculum vitae
5) Copies of certificates, proof of professorship
6) List of publications

If the visiting professor has already worked at THWS before, documents 4)-6) do not need to be submitted again.

Please also note that, depending on the country of origin, a visa may be required for entry into Germany.

Information on the obligation to notify and report

What are the obligations to notify and report?

Towards the end of the stay at THWS, the visiting professor is obliged to write a short final report on the activities carried out in teaching and research and to hand it over to the host THWS professor. The final report can be written in German or English. Please use the “Final Report” form for this.