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Report February - Margarita Nadelyayeva

| Experience reports Margarita Nadelyayeva

How did you prepare for the session and how was it? (expectations vs. reality, how many exams did you pass, how did you manage it?)

In the first semester, I had 6 subjects, of which 2 subject exams were project work. Therefore, I passed 4 exams from the mechatronics course: mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, and also technical design. Due to the particular complexity of the content of the course program, I was afraid to even guess what the exam results would be and could be. Fortunately, the received grades made me happy.

How much has your knowledge of German and English improved since your arrival in Germany?

Of course, in comparison with the level of knowledge of German and English, which I had upon arrival, after six months of living here, I see a lot of progress. Taking into account that my knowledge of German was at the “hello and goodbye”-level before my arrival, after completing the A1 German language course, at least, became pleasant by ear. I’m just starting my way in learning this language, but I’m already sure of some minimal knowledge. As for English, studying on this foreign language has greatly improved the listening comprehension of the language and the overall picture of knowledge.

Have you taken part in excursions organized by FHWS (in Germany, or industry tour)?

When, where, how it was?) Unfortunately, I have not yet managed to be part of any excursion organized by the university. I look forward to the start of the second semester and the new opportunities offered by the university.

Do you have homesick? How often do you go home or plan to go? Do your relatives come to visit you? What helps you manage the nostalgia?

I miss my family rather than the city / country. If we look at the question in this way, then I certainly have nostalgia. Of course, I would like to visit my relatives as often as possible, but how reasonable and rational it will be we'll see. For someone who has been under the care of his parents and was close to his family all his life, it’s very difficult to fly far, far away and start an independent life at once. So, during periods of breakup, long and frequent video-conversations help me, and they also give me the illusion that everyone is close by, and the distance is much easier to endure.

Would you like to return to your home country or stay in Germany after graduation? And why?

For myself, I see career prospects both in Germany and in Kazakhstan. For this reason, I cannot say anything confidently yet. I think this is a serious decision that will lead to important consequences, and is better to be made later, after more time and after having gained more life experience.

What was the most difficult thing for you personally in Germany?

How did you deal with this complexity? The language. With a zero knowledge of the German language, communication and orientation became a great challenge for me. Fortunately, you get used to anything and regarding the beginning of the German course and personal curiosity, the problem soon exhausted itself.

What is your most pleasant memory during your stay in Germany?

Undoubtedly, the first six months away from home were very busy, and the future certainly promises a lot of cool moments, but I think the most pleasant moments of my stay in Germany were: - The Christmas time, when we visited holiday fairs with friends and enjoyed the warm festive atmosphere, and - A trip to Munich, when best friends from other countries visited us and we all discovered together such a beautiful and new city for each of us.

What would you recommend to future Russian-speaking FHWS students from your own experience after a 5 month stay in Germany?

I would like to wish that you are not afraid to go towards something unknown. Of course, home comfort is irreplaceable, not everyone will be able to find such courage in himself to leave the place where you are covered by the care of your parents and being loved, and take a step into the frightening unknown. However, if you have a goal and can try to risk everything to achieve it, - then move it! After all, if your dream and the way to achieve it does not make you shudder, feel goosebumps and does not scare you at all, then why to dream at all? :)